IV PART Jean-Paul Sartre, in a revealing essay has likewise tried to show that Faulkner has no conception of the future and that his is an art of despair pointing to the collapse of a descrepit world. Of course, as Sartre has never worried about the language, this despair pointing to the collapse of a decrepit world means the difficulties men find in revealing his feelings without the presence of the intellect and reason. All this, unfortunately, is language totally foreign to its subject. The mythical claims no grasp of the future because it excludes it, just as it excludes the notion of past and present. Nor does it have to deliberately take into account the notion of utility since it deals with primitive data, with destiny, and since each encounter with fate affects any responsive creature with a cleansing, awakening force which surpasses all utilities. Faulkner´s novels share this quality with Greek tragedy. Faulkner´s studied use of a full style and his sense of i...