Um ano após haver escrito o primeiro texto em Inglês, dia 07 de março de
2003, escrevi WOMAN, inspirado na música de John Lennon Woman; primeiro por ser
véspera do DIA INTERNACIONAL DA MULHER, segundo por o Presidente da Associação
Comercial e Industrial de Diamantina, JUSCELINO BRAZILIANO ROQUE, pedira-me que
escrevesse uma homenagem à mulher para ser lido no Mercado Velho na Comemoração
deste evento. Escrevi em Inglês e traduzi depois. Li o escrito em Português.
Duas semanas depois do evento, este meu grande amigo JUSCELINO BRASILIANO ROQUE
enviou este texto para a UNESCO. Meu primeiro texto em Inglês e Português na
Aqui no Face esta homenagem às Mulheres já fora publicado em Português.
Tomei a coragem agora de publicá-lo em Inglês.
Woman, countless of the happiness and pleasure to be before you, whom I
consider, my truth, in this homage that all Humanity gives, whom I consider the
Sublime Being, who with Your Love and Fidelity bequeathed to the Men of Yours
Son and of God, and after whom there is no way not to really love, assuming
that you are the divine symbol of surrender and desire Love. Rather, it
suggests words that pray and wish to express the sensitivity and hope of those
who in your bosom place their hopes, their desires, waiting for Redemption,
Resurrection, Sublimity ...
Forgive me, Woman, these initial words so euphoric and sentimental, but
there is no way that will not lead us, to all men, to all humanity, to
recognize You who spend nine months and all our lives giving us Life in the
image of the Sacred and the Eternal. Also, Woman, forgive me if I sometimes
forget to think of the ways of humanity, not thinking of You, who shows us the
alleys and alleys of Life that we go through and leave our strokes and
footsteps, but I do not forget , Woman, to acknowledge that I am who I am in
this world, my purposes, my interests, the subterraneans of reflection and
meditation, with Your Love, Your Vision of the Divinity, which no man in his
right mind is capable of assuming, thank you for your Life, for your
Accomplishments, for your Dreams of the Loving Word. Is there any man who dares
to say that behind a man of knowledge, of conscience, of enterprise, there is a
woman much greater than him in terms of this knowledge, of this consciousness,
of these endeavors, and, above all, of your desire to love us as Mary Most Holy
to her Most Holy Son.
Woman, I thank you, in the first instance, for being the Mirror of the
World and the Love in which we reflect, we feel in your bosom the warmth, the
affection, the affection, that delightful will of our Life to be, of listening
to our Life pulsing in Your veins ... With what words, Woman, express the most
intimate and sensitive thanks for transforming Life in a sense of Deliverance
and of Donation! ... With what words, Woman, to thank your concerns with the
our country paths are being followed with dignity? ... With what words, woman,
put our affection and tenderness in Your hands, showing that we also dream of
your sublimity. You know that from eternity you are Mother and Companion, if we
look at it in the light of Holy Mary, the Divine Symbol of the Deliverance to
the Faith.
I wish to tell you, Woman, that in this simple homage that I write to
you, I beg and implore the Blessed Mother to enlighten me with her Grace and
Light, inspire me to say what really inhabits the interstices of this Heart
imbued with the deepest desires to say to you, "I love you, today and
Ah, Woman, I could not forget to also refer to your ever-present gaze on
the needs of full enjoyment and pleasure, in the face of so many difficulties
with which we live at all times.
Ah woman, it is difficult for me to express the deepest of the Spirit of
Love that we nurture for you, I am speaking and feeling in the name of All
Humanity, and for this reason I call you, I address these words to you in the
name of Peace and Happiness, which all men have placed in your bosom, hoping
that your Divine Mercy, thinking of Mary Most Holy, would always fall into our
hands and thus we may sow Our Seed to the search for the Word of Love.
Woman, forgive us the words of no, our guilts and responsibilities, our
arbitrariness in sometimes forgetting that without Your Company and Your Light
we are nothing in this world. Ah, Woman, may I say what all men think and feel
in our soul, the deepest of them, in our spirit, the most abyssal, by You who
really shows us every moment and in every situation that without Your Love we
are not able to only glimpse a small light at the end of the Underground of our
most sublime desires.
Woman, I say to you today and always, my voice is heard beyond these
mountains and mountains of our dear Diamantina, make yourself heard by all the
Women of the World, I say to you, Woman, you are the Redemption, the
Resurrection of the And in your Heart, in whose veins men inspire us in those
moments when we elevate our spirituality to the Divinity of Light, the Light of
Humanity, this Humanity so lacking in Your Love for not knowing yet the
strength and Life that exist in Your Breast and in Your Eyes full of Love,
And, Woman, if You have allowed me the freedom of conceiving You in the
Spirit as the Green Eyes that inspire Humanity in the ways of Hope, I wish to
say to you: "The whole Humanity Thanks you for being the Light in the
Paths of Love and Happiness ". So, Woman, I will have this simple man who
has taken from your deepest feelings and emotions to address these words of
Thank You, Woman, for our Paths, for our Congratulations, for our Searches of
the Word of Love in whom we truly meet and live, if this is our Choice, and
this has been Mine since I have been able to feel what is the Love and Desire
of Happiness existing in Your Womb, and I know, Woman, who will be forever and
also forgive Me for having taking so long to understand and understand what
this is - the Love of a Woman.
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